Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beautiful Weekend

We had an amazing and busy weekend. Weddings and birthdays galore.

My sweet friend Alyssa got married and I am so excited about the man she married. They are going to have a wonderful marriage. The wedding was beautiful and we had so much fun. The kiddos loved the dancing, cake, blowers and poppers.

The Bridal Luncheon

Before we headed to the church for wardrobe change


Happy Birthday my Big Boy. Our first 2 days of 3 were glorious. He was a sweetheart all weekend long and he handed out kisses generously. I've noticed he is very happy when we are all together as a family and he doesn't like me to go anywhere without him. After I've returned from being gone for any length of time he'll say, "I can't find you anywhere." He has started enjoying when I tickle his back, wants me to sit next to him in the car and held my hand the whole ride home this evening. I am loving this!!!!
I've noticed a huge shift in his affection for Daddy. He loves playing ball and Cory is always willing to pitch hundreds of balls to him. He also hit a 100 golf balls at the driving range today and probably would have hit a 100 more if we would have let him. Last time we went he got blisters and we wanted to avoid these. His hand-eye coordination is amazing. He loves to turn anything into a bat. Tonight he and Cory played ball with a small comb as the bat and a small Nemo ball and he actually connected.
Cory and I are really trying to work on using affirming words. This doesn't come natural for either of us. It lights up Caleb's world more than anything. We both observed we think this might be his primary love language. God is always faithful to grow and sharpen us.
He was extremely kind to Makaylee today, kissing her, sharing and he was extremely self-controlled when she would take his toys. Today was so rewarding as a mommy.
I am (not Cory) not using the spanking method for the next 3 months in an effort to hyper focus on trying to use a more positive approach to teaching him the ways he should go. If the last 2 days are any indication of the effectiveness of this method I'm very encourage. We are going to try and remove privileges and make the consequences more natural. One a side note Cory gave Caleb a choice last night in his consequence for throwing food on the floor. He could either not take a bubble bath or get a spanking and he picked the spanking. Hmmm, not sure what he was thinking, but the boy really likes bath time.
Doing much better on swallowing his spit. I talked to a speech therapist and he probably has either weak jaw muscles or tongue, so we have some exercise, but just giving him positive reinforcement has helped.
After the driving range Caleb wanted to go to the bounce house and so we decided it would be fun to go as a family. It was so fun watching him smile from ear to ear as he conquered each of the rides. He loved when we would give him the good job buddy or thumbs up as he climbed the obstacle course wall.

We are reading a book right now called Wild Things the Art of Nurturing Boys by Stephen James and David Thomas. I can't put it down. I am learning so much about how God uniquely wire these little guys and as a women I am just clueless. Cory and I have really been praying for wisdom in this parenting thing and God is so faithful to lead us to wise counsel.


She took her first step May 16th, which of course I missed. She didn't even realize she did it so we haven't been able to get her to duplicate, but it won't be long.
She is enjoying playing rough with her brother. Today he slid into her and knocked her down and they both giggled hysterically. That was until Cory put Caleb in timeout for not thinking about his sister's safety. The next time he went down the slide and sister was waiting at the bottom he asked us to please move her. Progress!!
She loves when Caleb plays horsey and lets her ride around the living room on his back.
She has started letting us know what she does and doesn't like to eat and let me tell you this girl loves fruit.
Likes to be on the go a lot more, but will communicate with hands in the air hold me.
She might be lacking patience and doesn't understand that just because she wants something doesn't mean she gets it no matter how loud she screams.
She can climb like nobodies business and loves it.
Giggles when we tell her no, stops what she is doing to be sure we are watching and then proceeds with a big smile in her mischief. We are going to really have a hard time with not laughing at her sin.
She is so affectionate and warms our hearts daily.

We have two amazing children and I know there are days that we struggle, but they are the world to me.

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