Friday, April 16, 2010

This Momma's Gone Mad, These Dragons Really Are MONSTERS

I am a mess. These stupid dragon toys at Mikey D's have my driving all over town trying to get the red on, no the black one, no now it is the blue one. I have frequently asked myself why? I really don't have an answer. I know it is to make Caleb happy, but come on Momma. Well, I found out at the McDonald's by my house you can get on a list. They will pull out one of each of the toys in the series and call you when they are in to come get the items you want. Oh fabulous, no more driving to 4 different McDonald's in one day. Yes, I am mad. Or, I thought it was fabulous until I found out my name conveniently got misplaced, so we won't be getting the red, teal or Hiccup and Toothless dragons. I was so upset. First, I would have to relay that mommy was wrong and we will not being getting the above mentioned dragons. Second, I would now have to communicate to my 3 year old endlessly that no we are not going to McDonald's today and even if we did they do not have that dragon. Did I mention am hating the Golden Arches. They are everywhere I have constant reminders of these monsters the dag dragons. Lastly, upset that I would not be the mom delivering sweet smiles to my boy for a mere $1.89. I usually don't like to spend money on junk, but Caleb loves these things. Don't judge me I know it is crazy. I was almost in tears today, probably hormones, but I was so upset when the lady was like, "sorry, to bad we don't have your name and there is nothing I can do." I wanted to yell and say make it right, but I knew throwing a fit was not right, nor did I want to set that example for my kids. Caleb cried when one boy on the playground hit his subpar blue dragon with the extra cool Hiccup and Toothless dragon. He then proceeded to throw his blue dragon on the floor and to tell me, "throw it away, Mom I don't want it!" When I finally got to the bottom of the behavior I realized he was a very sad boy that didn't understand why we couldn't get that dragon and he could only have another blue dragon. Great teaching opportunity, but truthfully it stunk. I wanted so bad to deliver for my little guy and the toy Nazi was not going to share her toys no matter what. Okay, so here is where I think God stepped in. I know it my sound stupid, but I really believe God had my back. I was still stewing and thinking I might go let the lady have it when Caleb came and said, "I found Toothless and Hiccup." A child that had left the play area had dropped their toy in the area underneath that you can't get to because it is fenced off. Caleb assured me I could get it, "you have really long arms." I wasn't sure but I was determined and reached as far as I could and with the help of my Go Go Gadget straw I retrieved the prized black dragon. I am so thankful. I know it's crazy, but I really am. We still don't have the red dragon, so I am sure I will continue to have teachable moments of how we should be grateful for what we do have, but at least today we are smiling.

P.S. Okay, here is an update on the dragon debacle. A sweet friend of my Lucia's, dad works for the McDonald's company and so she put a call into him to get us the red and black dragons. Caleb is really excited and wants to check the mail constantly to see if they have arrived.

P.S.S. The previously mentioned McDonald's magically found our name and now magically has extra dragons in every color.

1 comment:

  1. we have two blue and two black dragons...I threw away the black ones (Carsen does not know). I am trying to minimize and we keep getting more happy meal/burger king toys!


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