Friday, October 9, 2009

A Whole New World

As I said yesterday I was feeling totally overwhelmed about the prospect of changing our diets so drastically. I actually found myself being bitter we live in a country where there are so many unhealthy options, but then I went to the grocery store. I am so encouraged. I don't have to grow my own vegetable garden or make everything from scratch. There are so many foods in the organic section of the grocery store that are kid friendly, have no preservatives, gluten and dairy free. I walked away tonight feeling like I am on top of the world. We can eat super healthy on the go. Say good-bye eating out and hello to the organic section of the grocery. I really do feel like a huge weight is lifted and I am so excited about what I am putting in my kid's bodies. Two snack foods we got tonight that my kiddos devoured were, Envirokidz Organic Crispy Rice Bars and Annie's Organic Fruit snacks. Both were all natural. I thought the Rice bars were really good and both my kiddos ate the whole bar. The fruit snacks do have cane sugar, so if you are trying to stay away from that it might not be great. I am not against sugar just limited amounts. I actually liked these better than the fruit snacks pumped full of preservatives. I am excited to say I still have a motivating tool for Caleb if I need him to behave in the grocery. I'm guilt free knowing it isn't hurting his little body.

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