Friday, October 16, 2009


I haven't been real consistent on my posting lately, because every time I think life is going to slow down we get another hit below the belt. The past week and a half Cory has been in Texas. He was down there hunting and then his Dad got put in the hospital. I did fairly well on my own for 11 days, but we are very glad to have him back. Side note, Papa is doing well and was released today from the hospital in Houston.

When you move to a new place obviously people you are sharing life with that know you well are not available. It is a little scary to feel like you are on an island. Especially, when you get one blow after the next. Cory and I historically tend to clash when stress levels get high, but surprisingly we have done really well through this time. We have had heated moments, but thankfully the Holy Spirit has been at work. When everything in me wants to take my life frustrations out on someone I have been able to practice self-control. This is really huge for me. Anger is my struggle and at it's peek is very damaging. I contribute this heart change to my time in The Word. I've been doing a wonderful study called A Heart That Dances, by Catherine Martin. It has given me a real longing for intimacy with my gracious loving heavenly Father.

I am so gratefully for the timing of all this. I know if I hadn't been spending time growing in my knowledge of God I would not have been equipped to handle a difficult situation we encountered with a wonderful couple we recently met. Pittsburgh culturally is very different then Dallas. I love so much about this, but also better understand the need to be fully equipped to rightly handle the Word of truth. This couple has been burned by the church and quite frankly abused by some followers of Christ. My hearts desire is not to be one more couple that throws the Bible in their face. I am told in

2 timothy 2:14-16

not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness.

Where I am going with all this. The couple doesn't want to argue theology which I can totally appreciate. I've been in those types of conversations and often it is just that arguing and no real good comes from it as I think the above verse clearly communicates. However, there are a couple things I believe are important. We must learn from teachers who agree theologically with Scripture and stand firm on issues of the cross. All that being said I am so thankful that after I watched a Rob Bell video at our small group time I wasn't able to rest. I'd never heard of him and I knew nothing about his theological beliefs. It wasn't that anything in the video stood out as errancy, but I couldn't help but wonder the heart behind some of his teaching. I can totally appreciate that he is done with the legalism and religiosity of the church. For anyone out there living that way I would encourage you to read how Jesus felt about this as He address the Pharisees in the Bible. I think when we live Pharisaical lives it grieves the Lord. I pray in my own life God convicts me whenever I think in myself I am righteous. It is only through the blood of Christ that I have been reconciled. But just because there are churches and people out there misusing the Word of God doesn't mean we throw it out as our Authority. We learn the Word for ourselves, so when it is not accurately being taught we can know this. After doing a little research on Rob Bell I found that he may not agree theologically on core issues with Scripture. He has gained so much popularity and notoriety amongst Christians today. I was given information on Rob Bell's Theology as I tried to investigate this teacher. I would encourage you to read it so you can be informed. I listened to a few sermons and not that I am well versed in theology, but nothing stood out in his sermons as false teaching. In fact I agreed with so much that he had to say. I appreciate his heart that we need a lot more love. However, the message of the Cross and not forgetting that sin is devastating seems to be down played. Sin matters to God and someone had to pay the price. So God gave us his son, Christ for payment.

I love that this experience gave me an even greater desire to study and understand the Scriptures. This is something I have earnestly been praying for. It is always interesting to see how God answers prayers. Not always the easy way that is for sure. I am extremely thankful for the gift of discernment and that the Holy Spirit was working and wouldn't let me do what I wanted. I can say I would have much rather continued to hang out and enjoy small group time with other people as I've been pretty lonely at times up here. I am also grateful that before we left Texas God put it on my heart to meditate on

Colossians 2:8

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

I mindlessly put it on the dash of my car before we moved up here and I see now there was intention behind it that only God could foresee. I'm still feeling a little perplexed about being away from the community of believers we were surrounded by for 9 years in Dallas, but I know God has equipped me to be here and I am comforted by

John 15:5

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.


1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! You are right, we have to know the word so we are equipped! I have found myself in situations before and was not equipped! However, it made me seek the truth. so there you are! Great Post!
    I luv ya! di


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