Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fired-up with Peace

The passing of the health care reform has me concerned on so many levels. However, I was reminded this weekend and then again today what is really important and that there is something far more important to get fired-up about. I definitely have asked myself how did we get to this place in America where the majority are moving toward what appears to be a socialized approach to government rather than the principles that have allowed this great nation to prosper for so many years. All I can think is, as Christians are we leading out helping those who need help? What does this help look like? It is not just seeing a person in need and helping them in the short term, but also pointing them to truth. Getting fired-up about what really matters. If we were as passionate about pointing people to Christ as we are about getting rid of the left wing politicians we have in office how would this impact us as a nation. I think back before I knew Jesus. I believed whole heartedly that abortions should be a women's right to choose. I believed divorce was okay if marriage was too hard and the list goes on. I did not believe truth because I didn't know the Giver of truth. I was reminded this past Sunday we can get all up in arms about our government and yes I believe we should have a voice, but more important than that is what are we doing in our homes and neighborhoods to share truth and the love of Christ, so people understand what really matters. This is what will have the greatest impact on our country.
Besides this, eternity should be far more important to me than the discomforts we feel in this life. Yet, I so often focus on what is comfortable. I need to remember that God is willing to tear down the things He has built when they get in the way of knowing Him and following His plan and purposes. I should be so thankful and at peace with this. Just as He did with the Jewish temple a building that not even a hurricane or tornado could take out. But it was in fact torn down by Titus in 70 A.D. I pray this is not the case with the US. I love this country and the life of freedom we have. But if we like the Jews have walked away from His will and purposes and are no longer about the things that God is about I should be praying for God to allow whatever necessary to happen so we may turn back to Him. So much of this country does not have Jesus in their hearts. This is something to get fired-up about. For those of us that do have a personal relationship with our Savior are we letting our light shine, so those around us our taking notice and asking what makes that person different. Why do they have a joy I don't possess?

Caleb is reaching the age where he is curious about things, so he has been asking a lot of questions about Jesus. The other night we were praying before bed and the topic of Jesus living in Mommy and Daddy's hearts came up. The follow conversation transpired.

Caleb: I can have Jesus in my heart?
Me: Yes if you ask Him, know you’re a sinner who needs a savior.
Caleb: opens his bible finds picture of Jesus and says, "Jesus can you be in my heart?"

I don't think he truly gets it yet. He definitely doesn't understand the sin aspect, so it is still over his head. However, it is precious to me that he wants to talk to Jesus.

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