Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Great time and The Great Dalmuti

We are approaching the 11 month mark from when we moved up here and although I really like it there is one aspect that is still really hard. That is missing my dear friends. When you become a parent the dynamic of parenting differences in friendship is introduced. This for me has been challenging. How do you deal with parenting difference? I'm sure as the kids get older this issue will probably become more complicated, but right now it has me craving my like minded friends in the big D. However, as much as I crave the comfort of those relationships that were built over the years I am excited about the amazing neighbors I've been blessed with. I really believe God placed us in the perfect home. To me it is just awesome that there are young kids all around us and that we have 2 neighbors in particular that not only love Jesus, have little kids around the same age as ours, but they are a blast to hang out with. We had them over for fun play time and pizza and then they put their kids down at our house and we broke out the Great Dalmuti. A fun game some friends of ours in Texas (thanks Ben and Ebeth) introduced us to. As you will see from the pictures this game is not the Ruiz's strong point. We still had an awesome time and I so look forward to getting to know them better and watching our boys and girls grow up together.

Just in case I didn't communicate it effectively I wasn't referencing these couples and their parenting. I really don't know their particular parenting styles yet, but their kids are all amazing. We had 3 boys 4 and under and 2 girls under 2 all go down without any trouble. I have to say this might not be a big deal to some, but it was like Christmas morning to me.

Greater Peon 4x
Two, yes hide your head in shame.
Three, your DISGUSTING!!
Leslie looking so cute in the pink Peon hat.
Jack crashed out in Caleb's chair.
Jeremy was the Greater Peon 3x

Yes, that is super embarrassing.
And, four!!
The Dunbar's rocked at this game. Carrie was only the Peon the last hand of the night. Other than that they dominated. As you may notice I was never pictured, because even though I came in second to last I was never the Great Peon. Terry was the GREAT DALMUTI!!
Jack extra comfy in the chair.
Landon sacked out with his moose, Bull. I would have taken pictures of all 5 of our precious ones cuddled up for the night, but my camera died at a very inopportune time.

1 comment:

  1. Miss your friendship like crazy!!! Glad you played.


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