Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week in Wyoming (Day 1)

Last week we decided to go to visit Attie Jo for her 4th (can you believe it!!) birthday. Traveling 4 hours on a plane with 2 toddlers is a bit overwhelming and this trip seemed right on par. We were running late to the airport, so Cory had to drop us off at the curb and I had to take my 3 bags, a stroller and 2 carseats. You may ask yourself, why not curb check? Well, the line was far too long and I didn't want to risk missing our flight. Once I got the big bags checked and boarding passes I went back and got the kiddos from Cory waiting at the curb. We loaded up now only 1 bag, a super huge purse, 2 car seats and a stroller and headed for the security check. uh...oh, Caleb had to go potty. He needed to go the last 20 minutes of the drive, so I knew he couldn't hold it any longer, but if we lost our place in line at security it would be risky to make the flight. One thing about looking this pathetic is the world becomes a lot more friendly. The nice man in front of us overheard the conversation and said go ahead and I'll save your place and watch your stuff. Fewy, the bathroom was right there and we were able to make it before any accidents and get back in line in a few short minutes. Cory found a temporary parking lot and came back into the airport around this time and not being as timid as me asked if we could move up in line, so we wouldn't miss the flight. Again, the world was a much nicer place and let us move up in front of probably 30 people. We made it just in time to get the very last aisle on the plane where your seat doesn't recline. The kids were exhausted from there 4:00 am wake-up call, so they were both a little restless and fussy. Thankfully, we were seated next to a very kind young grandma, who was patient with the yelling and occasional bump. After much squirming for the first leg to Chicago I decided to put Makaylee in the carseat and Caleb on my lap. The second half of the trip went much more smoothly. Makaylee slept and Caleb watched Bolt on my Iphone. I love this little device.

I am writing this part down to remind myself and encourage anyone reading that people are always watching and observing our behavior. After, I got off the plane the sweet lady next to me asked me if I was a Christian. I replied yes and she proceed to say, "I thought you were, you really handled yourself well and did great with your kids." That was such an encouragement to me, because usually in these situations I am so stressed out that a meltdown is just around the corner. I am just thankful God is growing me in this area, so my meltdowns are less frequent. Oh, but the coming week sure showed me I have a lot of growing still to do.

Attie wasn't able to come to the airport, because they won't let more than one person back to the gate, and I desperately needed Kaycee's help with my bags. Caleb was confused and kept asking where's Attie Jo, but we soon were united at the Haverty's house. The kids had tons of fun playing, making forts, pillow fighting


and to all of our surprise wrestling without any major conflict.



  1. So cute! I love the video' do such a good job1 I have been working on my blog, check it out. grooveymom

  2. glad you made your flight... .we always put anna in a seat and ellie in our laps. It is so much easier and the iphone is a great toy!!!


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