Friday, September 11, 2009

Flight 93

Friday night we got our first paid babysitter since we moved to the Burgh and headed to a charity event to raise money for Flight 93's National Memorial. There were many things about the event that I wanted to share.

The Company

All dressed up, hanging with the military

The Food

It really was amazing.

The Speakers

Franko Harris, Rocky Bleier, Jerome Bettis
All of them were very encouraging and thought provoking, but specifically

General Tommy Franks

He talked about something his father, a World War II vet shared with him as he headed off to the Vietnam War. I might not be headed off to war, but I thought this acronym was very applicable to general life.



E-energy for the focus

I-integrity, once you lose it you can't get it back.

S- ( I can't remember this one, but it was good.)

T-take the blame when nobody else will.

Y-yes, I will wash windows. (Be willing to do whatever needs done and don't think you are above it.)

Governor Thomas Ridge

Spoke about the character of the USA. We were founded by people that were not afraid to fight for their freedom. The terrorist on 9-11-01 wanted to show how weak we have become as a nation and the passengers and crew of flight 93 were the first to prove we are not weak. We will not give up our freedom without a fight even if it means our lives. I was moved and encouraged and I think it is always important to teach our children that their freedoms, our freedoms did not come free. Many people have sacrificed much so I can have an amazing life. It really forced me to look at myself and ask what am I about. Sadly, I think too often I am seeking my extreme comfort instead of pressing forth to insure we remain a great nation. I think one small way we can do that, is to make sure that our children know what this great country was founded on and remember that we might sit in our living rooms safe and secure, but we should never take that for granted. There are forces out there who's greatest desire is to take our freedom away. Please take a minute and watch this video.

The Campaign Flight 93 National Memorial

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Makaylee and Caleb did great for their sitter, Natalie and she said she would come back. Yeah, we can now go on date nights.


  1. I am pretty sure Jerome Bettis when to Texas A&M...Whoop! That sounds like a fun night.

  2. How soon we all forget, the passengers and crew on 93 were so couragous! They deserve a memorial, we all need to far from you is the site? di


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