Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Last night I got a phone call delivering very scary news. My niece was attacked by a dog. I am so thankful my cousin was able to get the dog off her within seconds otherwise who knows what might have happened. My sister has always been very cautious with dogs, so when the news arrived in surprise with tears streaming I asked, "What happened!" They had run into a friend’s house quickly to pick something up. Attie is such a dog lover and always wants to pet the doggies, but my sister consistently has told her we don't go up to dogs we don't know. Her dad had just pet the dog, so Kaycee gave the okay, but said, "First, put your hand out and let her smell you. The dog took a whiff turned away and then like a tiger pounced on top of her. Within a blink of an eye it had her knocked to the floor and dealt out a number of puncture wounds to her little face. I will say again, thankfully my cousin being a huge guy was able to grab the dog and get it off sweet little Attie Jo. I really learned a valuable lesson. Going forward even if the dog seems okay if I don't know it personally my kids will not be allowed to touch it. As scary as it is to think about you just don't know. I also will find out about the dogs in my neighborhood, because you never know when a dog might accidentally get out. Attie is having surgery as I write this, so I am saying a prayer that it goes smoothly and quickly and God keeps her safe under anesthesia.

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